Multiple Sclerosis Causes

Before we dig into multiple sclerosis causes, let us understand what is ms, to relate better.

What is MS: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is neurological disorder affecting the central nervous system of the patient’s body. It so happens that the white blood cells or the immune system of the body attacks its own tissues, particularly the myelin sheath – which is the protective covering of the brain cells and those in the spinal cord. This leads to scars or “sclerosis” on the brain and the spinal cord which are generally visible in an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan. This results in deteriorated physical abilities and also affects mental and psychological functioning in advanced stages.

There are many therapies that take care of the disease as far as its symptoms and progression are concerned. Multiple Sclerosis can be dealt with and proper care and planning can lead to good life with MS. However with the onset of the disease, one is always curious to know what actually caused this disease. Though multiple sclerosis causes have not been found to be specific, or otherwise said, there are not any known multiple sclerosis causes which can be ascertained to be the specific reasons for the disease, there are some factors which are found to be common in a majority of MS patients. The existence of one or more of these factors might make an individual vulnerable to the disease. That said, there are always exceptions to any theory. For example, I hail from a tropical country and am an MS patient, which is very rare.

Let us look at some probable multiple sclerosis causes.

Age: Generally, the onset of MS is found to occur around the age of 20 to 40.

Environmental causes: A majority of MS patients are from the “colder” regions and very rarely found in the Asian countries (like me!). The total population of MS patients around the world is about 2.5 million of which 400,000 are from America alone. This means the more one is far from the equator, the more he is susceptible to MS.

Gender and lifestyle: Women are more likely to develop the condition than men. Smoking also increases the risk of MS.

Genetics: The probability of developing MS increases if a first degree relative, that is a parent or a sibling has MS.

Viruses/infections and deficiency: Certain childhood infections or viruses may go on to develop MS in adulthood. Vitamin D deficiency might also be an early symptom of ms and can be seen as a risk factor leading to MS.

I would like to remind you that the factors discussed above are the most probable ones concluded out of statistical results and not through medical research. The concrete causes of MS are yet to be found and as far as the above are concerned, there have been always exceptions to such statistics.

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