Health Sorted
"Health Sorted" will take you through information on various health regards as well as practical thoughts on such health apprehensions and living concerns about them. I will seek to connect to you through the best of information that I can muster. The USP of this blog will be the unique association of health concerns with struggle and winning. I say this because in my attempt to win over my disease - Multiple Sclerosis, I very keenly observe and register every bit of my struggle. And struggle when keenly observed will be cautiously focused too, leading to a sure win. It is, sure, difficult to comprehend that a disease so severe as Multiple Sclerosis can ever be won over.But that is what makes this all the more interesting.
And as far as the general discussions on health issues found on this blog are concerned, they will be discussed in the simplest language possible for those looking to grab knowledge in the easiest possible way, a completely justified purpose for you to keep coming back.
Don't forget to read about My MS story here. Find information about Multiple Sclerosis, my alternative attempts to face it, and other health issues like diabetes and many more. The reason for a mention of diabetes is, my mother has type 2 diabetes and we always keep our eyes open to find ways and means to combat it.
Also find helpful information on a number of other health concerns in this blog relating to arthritis, allergies, eating disorders etc.
Let us direct our understanding to an important point when it comes to combating chronic ailments. Are we looking to "treat" our health problem or are we looking to "cure" it? There are a number of treatments that take care of quite a few ailments. But they just deny to kill the problem completely. This goes to say that our means of treatment and the "professional health care system" are efficient enough to maintain or manage but not cure. Somehow, my mind fails to accept the word "incurable" especially from those who don't want to help me out. I believe that those who coined this word reap the most benefits out of this situation. Or may be it is the most convenient thing to do. Well, not getting unfocused, I always had a strong understanding of one thing, even before I ended up with this health issue, that the Creator did not create an ailment without a cure. There is no problem without a solution. Now it is left for us to witness what route leads us to where we want to, or rather, should be. Hoping your association through the journey, lets go for it!